Mr. Thiesmeyer’s English III – American Literature


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­­ Persuasive Essay


Writing Workshop – Persuasive Writing

Domestic Issues


          For this essay, you will choose one problem facing America or its citizens that you feel is a major concern.  You are to use the web to research this topic and to gain knowledge on the issue.  Write a persuasive essay arguing that this issue is, in fact, a serious problem and what action should be taken to rectify the situation.  You can choose any one of the topics discussed in class or any other issue, so long as it directly pertains to America. (please, no abortion/teen pregnancy)



          Thesis statement – a clearly worded sentence stating your stance on the topic (this will be the last sentence of introduction)

          The single most important crisis facing America today is it insurmountable debt and deficit.

          Research and evidence – In your essay, you will be making points to prove your stance – this information should be researched* for accuracy and relevancy and be included in your essay.  All quotes, data, graphs/charts should contain a parenthetical (author’s last name or simple URL)



…….as of January 06, the current unemployment rate is “at 8.5 percent [and is] continu[ing] to trend down” ( …

If you reference your source, then no parenthetical is necessary:

…according to the U.S. Department of Labor website, unemployment rate, as of January 06, is “at 8.5 percent [and is] continu[ing] to trend down”…

If you use data or text without a parenthetical or a reference to the source, it is considered Plagiarism!!


          Adherence to topic – You should not waiver on your stance and you should never provide any conflicting/contradictory information.

          A works cited page – This will be the last page of your essay and will list the information necessary to find where you got your data (needs to be in MLA format). Use



Works Cited


"Employment Situation Summary." U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. US Department of Labor, 06 Jan. 2012. Web. 18 Jan. 2012. <>.


Your essay should be more than one page and less than five.  It should also adhere to MLA guidelines.



       Thesis                                    – 25 pts

*  Try to avoid websites like Wikipedia (as it can be edited by anyone), Infowars (conspiracy), (fear mongering/solicitation), blogs (you can’t rely on random posts by people who may not know what they are talking about), or any site that looks as if it was created by a 12 year old or a psychopath.          


       Parenthetical citations   – 15 pts

       Works Cited Page             – 25 pts

       Adherence to topic          – 15 pts

       MLA Adherence                 – 10 pts

       Mechanics                           – 10 pts



Persuasive Essay Topic Ideas

You do not have to choose one of these as they are merely suggestions



The Economy

·        Unemployment

·        National Debt

·        Inflation

·        The Federal Reserve

·        Wall St./stock market

·        99%

·        Income Inequality

·        Housing market

The Government

·        Corruption

·        Money in politics (Citizens United)

·        Corporate influence

·        Elitism


·        Pharmaceuticals

·        Costs/profit motives

·        Availability

The Wars

·        Iraq

·        Afghanistan

·        Terror


·        Obesity

o   Sedentary lifestyles

o   Bad food + overeating

·        Smoking/alcoholism/drug abuse

The Environment

The Prison System


Intolerance (race/religion/sexuality)

The Media

·        Propaganda

·        Corporate influence

The Education System

·        Lowering standards

·        Less funding/class sizes

·        NCLB

Illegal Immigration

Genetically Modified Crops

Food Shortages

Oil Dependency

Media overload (iPods/smart-phones)

Drug Policy

Inequality in the legal system

·        Rich v. poor

·        White v. minority




Your introduction:

          For your intro, you could begin by stating how America, currently faces many problems and/or issues, as it always has and probably always will.  You can elaborate on this by providing a few examples and discussing them briefly.  Close with your thesis statement.

Your body paragraphs:

          This is where logos & pathos play their part.  Provide examples of how your issue is a problem using facts, data, statistics, and any other relevant information (logos).  Get your information from reputable sources and experts (ethos).

          Provide one or more possible solutions or remedies to the problem using facts from experts.

Your conclusion:

          This is a good place for pathos.  Close out your essay by making the case of the results of inaction or continuation of policies that created the problem in the first place.  What will happen if nothing is done?  Here is where you want to appeal to the emotions of the reader, leaving them with anger, fear, unease, or anxiety.


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